Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Negative feedback from a quilter

To start with it isn't from any of my followers. Please be assured of that. I love all you guys for your comments.

I posted a statement that was pleasant and not rude at all. This person emailed me back and told me I couldn't post on her blog. I guess this individual has been rude to others in the past and gets uptight over others questioning something she has posted. I shouldn't ever have  posted anything because I have seen her rant before and she never tells you what is said.

I will not ever go to this blog again. For the most part everyone is very nice and easy to go with suggestions and comments that they receive. My Mother said there was always a rotten apple in the barrel. I guess that was true.

If I'm rude please tell me in an email. I'm a big girl and can take it. I hope I haven't been rude to any of you. Chris  


Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

You have NEVER been rude! Email the blog. I want to make sure I never go there.

Teresa Rawson said...

OMG! You are ALWAYS pleasant! I am so sorry you had that experience! I always thought that quilters are the NICEST people in the world...100% all the time. And for the most part that is matter where I am, if I run into a quilter, we always strike up the easiest and nicest of conversations. Then, I worked at a quilt shop and had to deal with some REALLY unpleasant people. Yes, there are some unpleasant quilters out there...not many, but they really stick out in such an easy-going, nice bunch of people. I guess quilters are people too. I try to remember that I don't know what is going on inside them, and I try not to compare my insides to their outsides. You are fabulous and you should just laugh it off and hope their lot in life improves!

Katie M. said...

So sorry you had that experience. You have always been very pleasant. Someone must have been having a bad day....