Saturday, September 7, 2013

Strings are joining

Here is the layout I think I will use. This background fabric is the $2.97 a yard fabric I bought. I think it will set off the string blocks really well.

I laid out the blocks on top of the fabric just as an audition. The quilt is already spoken for even before it is done. We will see. Went and picked up the kids today and spent a little time with them. They are growing up and time flies really fast. Chris


Katie M. said...

Love the quilt! As for the kids.... my granddaughter that I spend so much time with has 'gone away' to college this year. She's only about a 7 hour ride and I'm already thinking I need to make a road trip! She calls me and tells me about her new journey and then starts in with "Grandma, you need to come up and we'll do....." Building those relationships early can bring so much joy later. Enjoy your g-kids.

Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

You are a wonderful grandma.....