Saturday, June 19, 2010

Beautiful Day

This is what I feel like trying to find. I have had to mow every other day for the last week. We had 2 inches of rain yesterday. It needs mowing again. Between mowing and going to help my son paint I have not gotten a whole lot done the last few days. He is going through a tough time with his Ex and she won't let him even have his kids over Father's Day. If I remember right three years ago she asked for a divorce on Father's Day. So he needed his Mommy today and we spent a few hours together and I think he needed the time to reflect. He rationally talked to me about his feelings about what was happening and I had the same thoughts, but needed to hear it from him. He is growing up and learning patience at a high price.
As a Mother you want to take the hurt away but this one I can't. He is 33 years old and misses his kids and his former life as a married man. It has been a month since he has seen them and their isn't any reason for this action. I am sure it will be in the court again. Life isn't grand somedays. Chris

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